
Conducting experiments has become an important part of my creative leadership practice. Some are simple, some are involved. All get me out of my comfort zone and learning quickly. Each are an opportunity for deliberate practice, improvement, and reflection.


Global / Mobile Life

In Fall 2013, my husband and I started designing our lives. We figured out what was important to us and implemented a nomadic plan to chase it. This required leaving traditional employment behind and stepping fully into the future of work. At turns, this life is breathtaking and daunting; we always have a learning curve. But it’s an invigorating way to live - discovering the world while pursuing meaningful work - so we jump in with both feet and learn our way forward.


Hybrid Graphic Novel (maybe?)

I’ve been immersed in two social trends lately - global migration and climate change - and find myself in the early stages of writing a fictional story that explores the intersection of these topics. My initial thinking as I undertake this experiment is that I'm writing a hybrid graphic novel for young readers. I’m attracted to the idea of a hybrid novel - print + curated digital material - because I’d enjoy creating a deep, dimensional reading experience. My vision is that it will become an international bestselling and award-winning work, used widely as education material, made into a critically acclaimed film, inspiring global conversation that spurs healing for people and the planet. Go big or go home, I say. :)



